Sleep Apnea Can Cause Excessive Strain In The Cardiovascular System, Plaque Buildup, And Type 2 Diabetes
According To Researchers, 12% Of The U.S. Population Suffers From It, But 80% Are Undiagnosed
The sleep process causes dynamic changes in the body, consisting of different phases in which blood pressure, breathing, and body temperature, varies. Tension in muscles only changes during the REM phase, which consists of 25% of the sleep. Most muscle groups, relax, including the ones located in the throat, which results in an airway is obstruction, resulting in sleep apnea. In the conditions, there are frequent breathing interruptions lowering blood oxygen levels, and can even occur hundreds of times per night. Among its side effects is a strain of the cardiovascular system, because it must pump blood faster to compensate or the low oxygen level. Also, the variation of blood oxygen level can lead to plaque buildup in the arteries, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and high blood pressure. Also, studies have shown it affects glucose metabolism, promoting insulin resistance, which can result in type 2 diabetes, and also promotes weight gain. Also, it is related to mental problems because it lowers the oxygen in the blood that is going to the brain and can cause anxiety, memory loss, and depression. Studies on driving performance showed that drivers with sleep apnea had 2.5 times the possibility to have an accident, that those without sleep apnea. Researchers estimate that 12% of the U.S. population suffers from this condition, but 80% are undiagnosed. Unfortunately, a person with this condition is not aware of it because it happens while sleeping, therefore it must be detected and diagnosed by another person monitoring the patient. Another way is to use a blood oximeter, which must register between 95% and 100%. A reading of 94% or less is a sign that there is an airway blockage, a circulatory problem, or a collapsed lung.
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